Travertin egy édesvizi mészkő, jellegzetes bézs, barna és szürkés árnyalatú, lyukacsos mészkő. Könnyen megmunkálható, időtálló és széleskörű felhasználás jellemzi. Travertin köveinket Törökországból importáljuk.
ultra-thin stone materials
The 1-2 mm thick natural stones are made with special technology, which is excellent for covering outdoor and indoor wall surfaces.
Other names for the product are stone veneer, stone wallpaper or decorative wallpaper.
natural slates
We import this popular multicolor stone material with a split surface directly from Brazil. Size: 60 cm x 30 cm. Thickness: approx. 1 cm. It is also suitable as an outdoor and indoor covering.

Multicolor brazil pala
Imported from India, 1.5 and 2 cm thick stone covering, which fits nicely into any environment with its natural, warm colors. Split surface, suitable for covering outdoor and indoor wall surfaces.
Portuguese limestone
Our Perlato Royal notched limestone is imported from Italy, directly from the mine. It is also suitable as an outdoor and indoor covering. Its most popular surface treatment is notched, which, thanks to its modern style, fits perfectly into today's modern architecture.
Perlato Royal roppantott mészkő
Perlato Royal rovátkolt mészkő
Perlato Royal
Vraca limestone
We import split face Vraca limestone from Bulgaria. Off-white, relatively homogeneous, easy-to-carve stone material. As a cracked surface, it is ideal as an indoor decorative wall covering, but it is also suitable for outdoor facades.
Vraca roppantott mészkő
Vraca limestone
One of the stone types that our company has been selling for a long time is the quartzites imported from Bulgaria.
Thanks to its split surface, we recommend it mostly to those who like the rustic, Mediterranean style
Hasított felületének köszönhetően leginkább a rusztikus, mediterrán stílust kedvelőknek javasoljuk
Kavala kvarcit falburkolat
Portugál mészkő
We also sell our light beige and dove gray limestone imported from Portugal with a wavy surface. It is also suitable as an indoor and outdoor facade covering.
Portugál hullámos mészkő szürke
Portugál mészkő – rovátkolt
Decorative garden pebbles
We sell our worn pebbles in several sizes. Frost-resistant stones, so they serve as beautiful decorative pebbles both indoors and outdoors.